
The Primordial Yoga , more than 6.000 years old (when only ONE Yoga existed - at the beginning Yoga was called Sámkhya – without compromised power or modern simplifications), preserved over the last millennia in the Indian Himalayas and with older vestiges in the Indus Valley, taught by Manu/Rudra/Shiva, (it is assumed that it dates from between 9.500 and 11.500 years ago, according to the recent underwater discoveries in the Cambaia Gulf, the mythical city of Duarka, victim of the thaws and floods of the 2º phase of the last Ice Age), the Yoga contains and proposes three great aspects:

1 – A strong Ethical base, of "self-demand",  and Fraternity (Yama and Niyama);

2 – An Exceptional Development of the Human being in its all positive aspects, integrally and always in harmony, keeping him in a natural, Healthy and Happy state;

3 - To reach the Samádhi (enlightenment) – Human and Cosmic Intellective Supreme Consciousness.

  - Yoga which means to connect , bind, from its root Yuj - it is said Yudj.



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